
Health is Wealth: Benefits of Exercise

Written by Kingdom Scribe|Jul 26, 2024
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Kings, We’ve been told our whole life that daily exercise is good for us. For one reason or another, we may have neglected that advice and put exercise to the side. Life is crazy and busy. Work gets hectic, our family needs us, things happen. It’s time to make ourselves a priority. Take care of yourself so that you’re able to be there for others. Here’s a list of reasons why: 

Improved Self-Image

Let’s start off with the most obvious benefit: exercise makes us look good – and looking good is feeling good. You’ll see progress little by little when staying consistent with your health and fitness goals. You’ll notice how your clothes fit you differently. Being satisfied with the physical changes in your body will boost your self-image and confidence. 

Of course, consistent exercise provides physical benefits – but it also improves our mental health. Most of us begin our health and fitness journey looking to improve our physical appearance, but there is much more that goes beyond the aesthetic. 

Exercise = Energy

It seems like exercise would make you more tired, however, that is not true! In reality, exercise actually increases your energy levels. Why is that? Your body releases endorphins when you exercise, which elevates your mood. Your cardiovascular health will improve over time, resulting in increased endurance for day-to-day tasks (this will also reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.) You’ll fall asleep faster and get better, deeper sleep. After a good night’s rest, you’ll feel energized and ready to take on the day ahead. 

If you hit that afternoon slump everyday or struggle getting a full night’s rest, try incorporating some form of exercise into your daily routine. You don’t have to lift crazy heavy weights everyday to workout. Move your body in whatever way makes you feel good. Find what’s fun for you – this is your me time. 

Brain Power

Keep your body and brain in tip-top shape with exercise. Do you experience brain fog often? Are you constantly forgetting things or misplacing items? Well, regular exercise improves your cognitive ability and memory; this is an important function to reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. If you’re struggling with your mental health, you can improve your mood and relieve negative thoughts by using exercise as an outlet. 

Live Longer

Engaging in consistent exercise allows you to to live a longer and fuller life. Those who participate in an active lifestyle tend to live a longer life. As we age, we lose muscle mass and bone density. Building muscle through exercise will aid in supporting your body as you age. We can keep our bones healthy through strength training and reduce the risk of diseases, like osteoporosis. You can also reduce the risk of serious injuries and falls. 

Overall, exercise improves your quality of life. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment from continuously showing up for yourself and setting goals to strive towards; it’s an unbeatable feeling when you achieve them. Remember, consistency is key.

Exercise is truly a form of medicine; use it to your advantage. Stay strong and healthy, kings.



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