
Getting Back Into Routine

Written by Kingdom Scribe|Aug 16, 2024
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We know you kings have had an eventful summer, playing hard with friends and family throughout the last few weeks. The summer is wrapping up, the kids are headed back to school and it’s tough getting back to real life. Here are a few tips to help you have a successful transition and get back into a solid routine:

Create a Schedule 

Pull up your notes app or use a physical notebook, whatever you prefer, and create a schedule for your day. Add what times these activities will take place to ensure you have enough time to accomplish what’s on the list. Communicate with your family and find out what is on everyone’s schedule so that everyone is on the same page and there is no miscommunication. Using a visual aid, such as a family chore chart or calendar, is a smart way for the whole fam to stay on top of business. Hang it in a common area where it can easily be seen, like in the kitchen or living room. Knowing everyone’s routine allows you to hold each other accountable and provide support. 

Remind Yourself 

We understand you have a lot on your mind and it’s hard to keep track of every thought that passes through. As soon as you remember something important, be sure to take note of it. Set an alarm or a reminder on your phone, write it on a post-it note, write it on your arm – whatever works for you.

Reward System

We all need a little reward sometimes to keep us motivated in life, and that’s totally okay. Set aside whatever reward you desire after accomplishing your tasks and staying consistent with your routine. Celebrate the little victories, it makes life more exciting. Whether it’s a self-care day or a meal at your favorite restaurant, you deserve it after all the hard work.

Goodbye Distractions

It’s human nature to procrastinate and get sidetracked from distractions, however, these habits aren’t great to have when you’re trying to form a routine. Eliminate whatever distractions keep you from succeeding. If your phone is a distraction for you, set it aside in another room until you’ve crossed at least one task off your list and then you can allow yourself a break to check it after. Repeat the process until you’ve checked off your whole list (and then pat yourself on the back, king.)

Family Time is Fun Time 

Routines don’t have to be boring! Schedule a fun family activity that works with everyone’s daily plan. Maybe the mornings are too hectic and family breakfast isn’t an option, but the evenings are more laidback and family dinner is a better time for everyone to hang out. It’s even fun to include the whole family in the cooking and preparation process. Family outings to get ice cream or a simple game night are other fun ideas to get together when the days get crazy. 

After staying consistent with your routine, it will become habitual and you won’t even think twice about it. Get locked in and stay focused, kings. You’ve got this. 



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